xeo lives in 22m³ of human territory. The walls are very hard and there are multiple corners around. The floor is also quiete hard but there is at least some tree to climb around. From human eyes, xeo is a bird-species alien. They build a nest and they hatch dreams. They engineer abstract contraptions and they quack like angry swans. But when life is at stake, they care like old henns.

They often cross the borders to the human world, sometimes even twice a week! They are utterly scared by the human world because where they come from everything looks different. Its almost inverse, because xeo is used to plants, curves and trees and electrons. Humans life in rectangular things, xeo gave up to understand why they choose cubic nests, because he think life is not orthogonal. But they still want to help, independent whether you live in a cube, a square or also at a tree.

What he does there

But xeo is bold and from his headquarters in germany he intends to spark something you like. He knows its utterly unlikely and improbable, that some individual on earth you never heard about would do something you like. And xeo is always sad that he couldn't have been here earlier. But let's forget about the best and start from 2020 and now!

What the nest?

Currently, xeo received help from anonymous. They are the frontier of changing electrons from bad to different. Some thing their 'different' is dangerous and they call them 'hacker'. But xeo knows electrons just want to be together with other elecotrons. They don't want to pollute nor elecotrocute a fly nor any other living being. But humans are utterly untalented to build their systems life-friendly. Luckily - xeo is from the future and he'll provide you with as many dreams and dreaming electrons necessary, to rebuild and reboot the human world. He plans to do so from their nest. Its a small space which is not really comfortable nor healthy for them. But with your help, they'll find a way to fly again (maybe already in 2024!!) because thats what xeo's usually do. You can help xeo building their nest, with electrons and the adults can even send molecules and matter. Don't worry about xeo, he worries about you, no matter if you like or hate or ignore him.