See: LMR Usage

LMR development

Hier sind einige Ansätze, wie das Projekt in konkrete Modelle münden kann.

Bildergallerie (rendering)

Ergebnis der Phase II: WebVowl etc. hacken bilder und interfaces zusammen 'querhacken', d.h. programmieren während man mit einem auge nebenbei tetris spielt weil man jemanden btaucht der cool genug ist um das zu machen. (Ich wäre gut darin, authentisch so zu tun)

  1. Software Engine — Collective Modelling
  2. Personality and User Model
    1. Frieder: personality modeling is already on its way:
    2. Dominic: personality model overarching Big5, MBTI and makes use of the 'player classes' in RPG's:
      1. 'endo' personality, e.g. Big5, have the LMR model somewhere flying around
      2. 'extra' for group dynamics MBTI
      3. 'inter' for role and identity model (conceptual roles and 'playing' oneself) as integration of endo (internal preconditions) to extra (external actualization of concepts (interest,...))
  3. Software-Architecture option
    1. Interface to display data
    2. App for easier construction of mind space (space = map³); that is what my Metamodelmapper is about (M³)
    3. Browser plugin or Integrated suite
    4. Complexity reduction system
      1. Has a large overhead in theoretical foundational work

Visuelle Metapher des Entwicklungsprozesses, Wachstumsvorgangs*:

*Wachstum bedeutet 'Coden' (hack the gap!), 'Implementieren' (code4 world!), 'Beschreiben' (visualisierung, texte, perspektiven ⇒ Narrativ), 'Veranschaulichen' (Beispiele, Skizzen), 'Vernetzen' (ähnliche Systeme und Funktionen).


Heterogenic Architectures and construction

XERO Architecturce <> flow surf interface

Our outdated render how our future front-end might sound like:

All: Each subthread in a thread-node is a terminal-like interface to produce domain specific code. As multiplex networks require specificity and generality, coding is context transclusive.

Left section is 3D Modeling of maps

top bar is D - 7D navigation

Right section is lateral display depending on context (e.g. select PARAM development will show the maps in temporal resolution)

⇒ respective visualizer is Graphi / observe / Gourche

Interface Draft