<aside> ❓ The domain is made by xeo to make their activity transparent and their workflow more effective. In the near future, xeo.run will show our lifestream and alien.actor is supposed to host previous work-sessions.


<aside> 💬 The content / stuff around is what xeo does (he 'codes' concepts, not classical programming language. hence you can read the domain both ways, an action done by xeo and a type of codes which refer to xeo. Xeo's codes have something like a language around it which is too difficult to explain currently as you would have to read A Lot. The shortcut is: We reduce the grammar to xeos domains, their content is what xeo says, and the workflow of xeo is xeo.codes. You're invited to help xeo with his mission to publish and share the best strategy to save the world in any given Now>1st of August 2020)


<aside> 🧪 xeo codes on multiple domains and on his α-lexicon he describes usage of the term 'domain' out of the interet realm. There are four notions of domain which are compounded by xeo: The internet domain (TLD), the mathematical domain, the 'domain' notion from multi-domain warfare (to establish multi-domain peacekeeping) and the biologic domain which was at three on wikipedia when this was written.
